Private - From $110

EPC Referral (Medicare) - From $50 call out fee.


Private Patients

Our services can be paid privately with rebates available for clients who are appropriately covered under private health insurance. Rebates are available and you may be eligible for up to 100% off each consultation depending on your private health cover. For more information on rebates please contact your private health insurer.

Medicare Referral

Medicare cardholders may be eligible for an Chronic Disease Management referral, however this must be obtained by a General Practitioner. This referral can allow up to five Podiatry visits per year if eligible. Each Podiatry home visit is Bulk Billed when you are using a Chronic Disease Management referral plus from $50 call out fee depending on your location. To make an enquiry about Medicare referrals please give us a call or speak to your GP. .

DVA Card Holders

Clients who hold a Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) Gold will be Bulk-Billed. This means there will be no out-of-pocket expenses incurred. DVA clients will require a Doctors referral for treatment. DVA will fund all in home Podiatry treatments.